As the migrant numbers arriving in New Zealand touched 129,500 for the year ending March 2017, net migration reached 71,900, a record. It overtook the previous record of 71,300 net migrants reached in the year ending February 2017, said Stats NZ on 26 April.
Peter Dolan, population statistics senior manager, was quoted by as saying that since 2012, annual net migration was steadily growing. He said that because fewer migrants departed, the net migration registered a net increase.
Almost 75 percent of the migrants entering New Zealand were nationals of other countries. The highest number of migrants was from the United Kingdom, India, and China. While India and the United Kingdom each contributed 10 percent of migrants, nine percent of migrants arrived from China. Meanwhile, 26 percent of migrants who came in the past five years were New Zealanders.
The number of migrant arrivals coming on work visas for the year ending March 2017 was 43,700, followed by citizens of New Zealand who numbered 31,995, On the other hand, arrivals on student visas numbered 23,900 and those on residence visas touched 16,800.
The overall number of visitors in New Zealand in the year ending March 2017 was 3.5 million, which was nine percent higher when compared to the same period in March 2016.
Dolan said that the majority number of visitors were from Australia at 36 percent. Chinese and Americans constituted 12 percent and 11 percent, respectively.
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