Canada Express Entry

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Why apply for Canada Express Entry?

  • Best Path to Canada Permanent Residency
  • No job offer is required
  • Higher chances of selection
  • Quick processing time
  • Plans to issue 110,770 ITAs in 2024
  • High success rate for applicants
  • Opportunity for Canadian citizenship

Canada Express Entry is the most popular route for overseas skilled professionals to settle in Canada permanently. Canada Express Entry draws will be held more often to fulfill the workforce demands in Canada. 


Canada Express Entry Draw

Canada Immigration via Express Entry is the most prominent way for candidates looking to settle in the country with a PR visa. Express Entry is an online application management system that manages skilled workers applications wanting to become permanent residents of Canada. It uses a points-based system to assess eligible candidates based on the information provided in candidate’s profile such as skills, experience, employment status, and nomination.

Express Entry Draw generally takes place for every two weeks. IRCC selects eligible candidates from the Express Entry pool and issues invitation to apply for permanent resident status in Canada. Higher the CRS score, greater the chance of receiving an Invitation to apply. 

IRCC to hold more category-based Express Entry draws in 2024

According to a recent announcement by IRCC, the department will be holding more category-based Express Entry draws in 2024. Canada is planning to focus on category-based draws to invite skilled labor who would meet the Canadian labor market requirements and contribute towards the economic development of the country.


Latest Express Entry Draw

  • Invitation Round - #305 (French language proficiency)
  • Express Entry Latest Draw Date – July 18, 2024
  • Number of Invitations – 1,800
  • CRS score - 400

The latest Express Entry draw was held on June 18, 2024, and 1,800 ITAs were issued. The #305 draw is a French language proficiency draw, and candidates with a CRS score of 400 were invited to apply for Canada PR. 


Canada Express Entry draws in 2024

Draw no. Date Immigration program Invitations issued Reference Links
305 July 18, 2024 French language proficiency 1,800 7th Express Entry Draw of July issued 1800 ITAs to French Professionals
304 July 17, 2024 Canadian Experience Class 6,300 Biggest Express Entry Draw issued PR Visas to 6,300 CEC candidates
303 July 16, 2024 Provincial Nominee Program  1,391 Express Entry Draw invited 1391 PNP candidates. Register your EOI today!
302 July 08, 2024 French language proficiency 3,200 4th Express Entry Draw in July invites 3200 French Professionals
301 July 05, 2024 Healthcare Occupations 3750 Canada Express Entry #301 draw invites 3750 candidates to apply for a PR Visa
300 July 04, 2024 Trade Occupations 1,800 Latest Express Entry Draw issued 1800 Invitations
299 July 02, 2024 Provincial Nominee Program  920 First Express Entry Draw of July issued 920 ITAs
298 June 19, 2024 Provincial Nominee Program  1,499 Latest Express Entry Draw invites 1499 candidates to apply for Canada PR
297 May 31, 2024 Canadian Experience Class 3,000

Latest Express Entry Draw invites 3000 Canadian Experience Class candidates. Apply now!

296 May 30, 2024 Provincial Nominee Program  2,985 Breaking news! Canada Express Entry Draw issued 2985 ITAs after a long pause
295 April 24, 2024 French language proficiency 1,400 Latest Express Entry Draw invites 1400 French Professionals
294 April 23, 2024 All Program draw 2,095

#294 Express Entry Draw invites 2095 candidates

293 April 11, 2024 STEM Professionals 4,500 #293 Express Entry Draw invites 4500 STEM professionals
292 April 10, 2024 All Program draw 1,280 Latest Express Entry Draw: IRCC invites 1280 candidates in the first draw of April 2024
291 March 26, 2024 French speaking professionals 1500 Express Entry category-based draw invites 1500 French-speaking professionals
290 March 25, 2024 All Program draw 1,980

Latest Express Entry Draw invited 1980 candidates with a CRS score of 524

289 March 13, 2024 Transport occupations 975

First Category-based Express Entry Draw for Transport Occupations in 2024 issued 975 ITAs

288 March 12, 2024 All Program draw 2850 Latest Canada Express Entry draw invites 2,850 candidates to apply for Canada PR
287 February 29, 2024 French language proficiency 2500 Express Entry Leap Year Draw: Canada invites 2,500 candidates on February 29, 2024
286 February 28, 2024 All Program draw 1,470 General Express Entry draw issued 1,470 ITAs with a CRS score of 534
285 February 16, 2024 Agriculture and Agri-food occupations  150 Express Entry Draw invites 150 candidates in Agriculture and Agri-food Occupations
284 February 14, 2024 Healthcare occupations 3,500  Express Entry invites 3,500 candidates in a healthcare category-based draw
283 February 13, 2024 All Program draw 1,490 Latest Canada Express Entry Draw invited 1490 candidates to apply for Canada PR
282 February 1, 2024 French Language Proficiency 7,000 Biggest Express Entry Draw! 7,000 ITAs issued in French Language Category
280 January 23, 2024 All Program draw 1,040 Latest Express Entry Draw invites 1040 candidates to apply for Canada PR
279 January 10, 2024 All Program draw 1,510 First Express Entry Draw of 2024: Canada invites 1510 Skilled Workers

When is the next Express Entry Draw?

The anticipation for the next draw is high. To stay informed about upcoming draws, please check our website regularly for updates. The typical pattern involves draws every two weeks on Wednesdays, but deviations from this pattern can occur. 

Canada Immigration – Express Entry

Canada Immigration through Express Entry is the most prominent pathway for individuals who wish to settle in the country with a PR visa. It is a points-based system that allots points based on skills, work experience, Canadian employment status, and provincial/territorial nomination.

The higher your CRS score, the greater your chances of receiving an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for a Permanent Residency in Canada. Candidates who choose Express Entry to submit their Canada PR applications get higher chances of selection. The Express Entry applications are valid for 12 months and processed in 6-12 months.

Register your Expression of Interest for the Express Entry program with the help of Y-Axis, the leading and best immigration consultants in India, who guide you in every step of your Canada immigration process.  Express Entry manages Canada PR applications related to the following federal economic programs: 

Express Entry is a streamlined immigration program made more transparent for potential skilled foreign workers. The key details of the program include:

  • An online program that has no cap on applicants and is open throughout the year.
  • The program applies only to the Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Traders Program, and Canadian Experience Class Immigration Program.
  • You must submit an Expression of Interest and apply as an applicant for any job mentioned in TEER Category 0, 1, 2, and 3.
  • Your profile will be evaluated based on points and placed in the applicant pool.
  • Canadian provinces and employers will access this pool and find talent to meet their needs.
  • The highest point holders are sent an Invitation to Apply for Canada PR.
  • The number of ITAs issued is based on the Canada Immigration Levels Plan.

Canada plans to invite 1.5 million immigrants by 2026. Canada Express Entry immigration levels plan for 2023-25 are given below: 

Canada Express Entry Immigration Levels Plan 
Program 2024 2025 2026
Express Entry 110,770 117,550  117,550 

Canada Express Entry – 5 Things to Know

  • Score: Latest Express Entry Draw CRS score – 400
  • Cost: CAD 2300/ applicant; for couples, it is CAD 4,500.
  • Approval time: 6 to 8 months.
  • Length of residence: 5 years.
  • Easy or not: Candidates with the highest rankings are issued ITAs.

Introduction of Category-Based Rounds of Invitations

As per the recent update released on May 31, 2023, IRCC will be inviting Canada Express Entry candidates in the following 6 fields in this year:

  • French language proficiency or work experience
  • Healthcare
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) professions
  • Trades (carpenters, plumbers, and contractors)
  • Transport
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food

*For more information, also read –  IRCC announces 6 new categories for Express Entry candidates. Register your EOI now!


CRS Score Calculator 

The Canada Express Entry Program determines applications using the Comprehensive Ranking System. The CRS score calculator evaluates and gives points based on the six factors. The highest-scored candidates have greater chances to migrate to Canada with a PR Visa. The points scale has a maximum score of 1200 and evaluates you and your spouse (if any) on the following factors:

  • Age
  • The highest level of education
  • Language skills
  • Canadian work experience
  • Other work experience
  • Skill Transferability
  • Other factors
1. Core/Human Capital Factors
Age With spouse Single
17 0 0
18 90 99
19 95 105
20-29 100 110
30 95 105
31 90 99
32 85 94
33 80 88
34 75 83
35 70 77
36 65 72
37 60 66
38 55 61
39 50 55
40 45 50
41 35 39
42 25 28
43 15 17
44 5 6
>45 0 0
Level of education With spouse Single
Secondary school (high school) credential 28 30
1-year post-secondary program credential 84 90
2-year post-secondary program credential 91 98
≥3-year post-secondary program credential or a Bachelor’s degree 112 120
2 post-secondary program credentials (one must be of least 3 years) 119 128
Master’s OR Entry-to-practice professional degree 126 135
Doctorate / PhD 140 150
Language proficiency With spouse Single
First Official Language Per ability Per ability
CLB 4 or 5 6 6
CLB 6 8 9
CLB 7 16 17
CLB 8 22 23
CLB 9 29 31
CLB 10 or more 32 34
Second Official Language  Per ability Per ability
CLB 5 or 6 1 1
CLB 7 or 8 3 3
CLB 9 or more 6 6
Additional points for both French and English    
CLB 7 or more in French and CLB 4 or lower (or none) in English 25 25
CLB 7 or more in French and CLB 5 or higher in English 50 50
Canadian work experience With spouse Single
0 – 1 year 0 0
1 year 35 40
2 years 46 53
3 years 56 64
4 years 63 72
≥ 5 years 70 80
2. Spouse or Common-law partner Factors
Level of education With spouse Single
Less than secondary school (high school) credential 0 NA
Secondary school (high school) credential 2 NA
1-year post-secondary program credential 6 NA
2-year post-secondary program credential 7 NA
≥3-year post-secondary program credential or Bachelor’s degree 8 NA
2 or more post-secondary program credentials (one must be of at least 3 years) 9 NA
Master’s OR Entry-to-practice professional degree 10 NA
Doctorate / PhD 10 NA
Language proficiency With spouse Single
First Official Language per ability NA
CLB 5 or 6 1 NA
CLB 7 or 8 3 NA
CLB ≥ 9 5 NA
Canadian work experience With spouse Single
less than 1 year 0 NA
1 year 5 NA
2 years 4 NA
3 years 8 NA
4 years 9 NA
≥ 5 years 10 NA
3. Skills Transferability Factors
Education & Language With spouse Single
≥ 1 year post-secondary program degree + CLB 7 or 8 13 13
2 post-secondary degrees/Master’s/PhD + CLB 7 or 8 25 25
≥ 1 year post-secondary program degree + CLB 9 in each ability 25 25
2 post-secondary degrees/Master’s/PhD + CLB 9 in each ability 50 50
Education & Canadian Work Experience With spouse Single
≥ 1 year post-secondary program degree + 1 year Canadian work experience 13 13
2 post-secondary degrees/Master’s/Ph.D. + 1-year Canadian work experience 25 25
≥ 1 year post-secondary program degree + 2-year Canadian work experience 25 25
2 post-secondary degrees/Master’s/PhD + 2-year Canadian work experience 50 50
Foreign Work Experience & Language With spouse Single
1-2 years + CLB 7 or 8 13 13
≥ 3 years + CLB 7 or 8 25 25
1-2 years + CLB 9 or more 25 25
≥ 3 years + CLB 9 or more 50 50
Foreign Work Experience & Canadian Work Experience With spouse Single
1-2 years of foreign work experience + 1-year Canadian work experience 13 13
≥ 3 years of foreign work experience + 1-year Canadian work experience 25 25
1-2 years of foreign work experience + 2-year Canadian work experience 25 25
≥ 3 years of foreign work experience + 2-year Canadian work experience 50 50
Certificate of Qualification and Language With spouse Single
Certificate of Qualification + CLB 5, ≥ 1 CLB 7 25 25
Certificate of Qualification + CLB 7 on all language abilities 50 50
4. Provincial Nomination or Offer of Employment
Provincial nomination With spouse Single
Provincial nominee certificate 600 600
Offer of Employment from a Canadian company With spouse Single
Qualifying offer of employment – NOC TEER 0 Major group 00 50 50
Qualifying offer of employment – NOC TEER 1, 2 or 3, or any TEER 0 other than Major group 00 50 50
5. Additional Points
Post-secondary education in Canada With spouse Single
Credentials of 1 or 2 years 15 15
Credential of 3 years or longer, Master or PhD 30 30
Sibling in Canada With spouse Single
Sibling in Canada who is over 18+, Canadian PR or citizen, residing in Canada 15 15

Benefits of the Canada EE Program

  • The main advantage of this immigration program is its transparency. Applicants will know the CRS points they must score to be eligible for the Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence.
  • Candidates should know the minimum score they should obtain to qualify for the ITA. If they do not make the mark, they can always try to improve their CRS score or consider other CRS options.
  • They can look at improving their language test results, gaining additional work experience, or study in Canada, or apply for a provincial nomination program.
  • Young candidates with a higher level of education, language proficiency in English (IELTS/CELPIP/PTE) or French, or both, or those with Canadian experience (employees or students) have the potential to reach a higher CRS score and get selected through the Express Entry system.
  • Candidates with a provincial nomination will get an additional 600 points. Those with a job offer in Canada or siblings residing there are eligible for additional points.

Canada Express Entry Eligibility

The eligibility requirement for the Express Entry is 67 points out of 100. You will need to score at least 67 points under various eligibility criteria to apply for your PR visa.  The Express Entry eligibility points calculator is based on the following criteria:

  • Age: You can score the maximum points if you are between 18-35 years. Those above this age will gain lesser points.
  • Education: Your minimum educational qualification must be equal to the higher secondary education level in Canada. A higher level of educational qualification means more points.
  • Work experience: To score the minimum points you should have at least one year of work experience. If you have more years of work experience, you will gain more points.
  • Language ability: You must have at least 6 bands in your IELTS equivalent to CLB 7 to be eligible to apply and score the minimum points. Higher scores mean more points.
  • Adaptability: You can score ten points on the adaptability factor if your family members or close relatives are living in Canada and will be able to support you when you move in there. You can also gain points if your spouse or legal partner is ready to migrate with you to Canada.
  • Arranged employment:  A valid job offer from a Canadian employer entitles you to ten points.

Canada Express Entry Requirements

  • 1-year work experience in skilled occupation, in the last 10 years.
  • Minimum CLB score – 7 (in English or French).
  • Education Credential Assessment (ECA).


Important Announcement: PTE Core (Pearson Test of English) is now accepted by IRCC for Express Entry Programs

PTE Core, the Pearson Test of English is now officially accepted and authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for Express Entry Programs.

What is the PTE Core?

PTE Core is a computer-based English test that evaluates general reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills in a single test.

Key Details:

  • 35 test centers are there across India
  • Bookings are open and the dates for tests are available
  • Fee for test: CAD $275 (Including taxes)
  • Risk of Bias is decreased by combination of human expertise and AI scoring
  • The test is to be attempted at a test center, and is completely computer based test
  • Test results are announced in 2 days
  • Validity period: Test scores are valid for 2 years from the date of test result. They must still be valid on the day the application for permanent residency is submitted
  • The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) will be used to determine the language proficiency level
  • The test results will be used to determine the CLB level for each ability

About CLB level and points awarded:

Express Entry Program: Federal Skilled Worker Program

Language Test: PTE Core: Pearson Test of English

First official language (maximum 24 points) for Main Applicant

CLB Level





Points per ability



















10 and above












Note: The main applicant for the Federal Skilled Worker Program must meet the minimum level for all four skills listed in the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7.

However, depending on the client’s profile, the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 and points required to qualify for the Federal Skilled Worker Program will vary.


Express Entry Profile Creation

Step 1: Complete your ECA

If you have done your education outside Canada, you should get your Educational Credentials Assessment or ECA. The ECA proves that your educational qualifications are equal to those recognized in the Canadian educational system. An NSDC and qualification check is optional to expedite the process of ECA.

Step 2: Complete your language ability tests

The next step is completing the required English language proficiency tests. The minimum score is 6 bands in IELTS, which is equivalent to CLB 7. Your test score should be less than 2 years old at the time of application.

You will have an edge over other applicants if you know French. French language tests like the Test de Evaluation de Francians (TEF) will prove your proficiency in the language.

Step 3: Create your Express Entry profile

First, you have to create your online Express Entry profile. The profile should include details about your age, work experience, education, language skills, etc.  You will be given a score base on these details.

If you qualify by getting the required points, you can submit your profile. This will be included in the Express Entry pool.

Step 4: Calculate your CRS score

If your profile makes it to the Express Entry pool, it is ranked based on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. Criteria such as age, work experience, adaptability, etc. determine your CRS score. Your profile gets included in the Express Entry pool if you have the required CRS score. You need to have a minimum of 67 points out of 100 to be eligible to apply under the Express Entry program. Education, and language skills.

 Step 5: Get your Invitation to Apply (ITA)

If your profile gets selected from the Express Entry pool, you will get an ITA from the Canadian government after which you can start the documentation for your PR visa. 

Express Entry Programs
Eligibility factors Federal Skilled Worker Program Canadian Experience Class Federal Skilled Trades Program
Language skills (English or French skills) ✓CLB 7 CLB 7 if your TEER  0 or 1 CLB 5 for speaking and listening
CLB 5 if your TEER 2 CLB 4 for reading and writing
Work Experience (Type/Level) TEER 0,1, 2,3 Canadian Experience in TEER 0,1, 2, 3 Canadian Experience in skilled trade
One year continuous within the last 10 years One year in Canada in the last 3 years Two years within last 5 years
Job offer Selection criteria (FSW) points for a job offer. Not Applicable A full-time job offer for at least 1 year
Education Secondary education is required. Not Applicable Not Applicable
Extra points for your post-secondary education.
IRCC Time Lines ECA Credential Assessment: Upon submission of documents to designated authorities 8 to 20 weeks.
Express Entry Profile: Express Entry Profile is valid for 1 year from the date of submission.
PR Application: Upon receiving ITA client must submit supporting documents within 60 days.
PR Visa: Upon submission of PR application the visa processing time is 6 months.
PR Visa: PR visa is valid for 5 years

ITA Canada 

IRCC holds Express Entry draws at regular intervals. Every draw has a different cut-off score. The applicants with a CRS score equal to or above the cutoff score will receive an ITA. Candidates with a long presence in the Express

What should I do after receiving ITA

Once you receive an ITA, you will have to submit a complete and correct application for which you will be given 60 days. If you fail to do so within 60 days, then your invitation will become null and void. So, you should make the best use of this time to submit an accurate application.

Submit your Canada PR application

After receiving the ITA, candidates need to know under which Express Entry program (FSWP, FSTP, PNP, or CEC)  they have been selected to apply for the Canada PR visa. Candidates will receive the checklist of requirements specific to the program they have applied for. A general checklist of requirements is given below: 

  • English language test results
  • Civil status such as your birth certificate
  • Proof of your education achievements
  • Proof of your work experience
  • Medical Certificate
  • Police Clearance Certificate
  • Proof of Funds
  • Photos

Express Entry fees

  • Language tests: $300
  • Educational Credential Assessment (ECA): $260
  • Biometrics: $85/person
  • Government fees: $1,525/adult & $260/child
  • Medical examination fees: $250/adult & $100/child
  • Police clearance certificates: $100

Proof of Funds for Express Entry

Number of family members

Current Funds Required

Funds required (in Canadian dollars) Coming into effect May 28, 2024


CAD 13,757

CAD 14,690


CAD 17,127

CAD 18,288


CAD 21,055

CAD 22,483


CAD 25,564

CAD 27,297


CAD 28,994

CAD 30,690


CAD 32,700

CAD 34,917


CAD 36,407

CAD 38,875

If more than 7 people, for each additional family member

CAD 3,706

CAD 3,958

Talk to Y-Axis to evaluate your chances of migrating to Canada and make an informed decision.

*Under Job Search Service, we offer Resume Writing, LinkedIn Optimization, and Resume Marketing. We do not advertise jobs on behalf of overseas employers or represent any overseas employer. This service is not a placement/recruitment service and does not guarantee jobs.

#Our Registration number is B-0553/AP/300/5/8968/2013 and we provide services at our Registered Center only.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the minimum IELTS score required for Canada Express Entry?
What are the documents you must submit with your PR application once you get your ITA through the Express Entry pool?
How many points are required for Canada Express Entry?
What documents are required for Canada Express entry?
How can I apply for Canada Express Entry?
What is the next step after receiving ITA from Canada through Express Entry?
Should I apply for Canada PR or Express Entry through a consultant or on my own?
Is IELTS Compulsory for Spouse under Express Entry PR Visa for Canada?
What does it take to get Canadian PR without a job offer via Express Entry?
Why does Canada accept foreign nationals through express entry?
What is the Express Entry System of Canada?
Is a job offer compulsory for Express Entry?
How many CRS points do I get if I have a valid job offer?
How often are the Express Entry draws held?
If I am selected, how much time will I get to apply?
What are the eligibility requirements to become a Canadian citizen?
What is the processing time for Canadian citizenship?
Is an Educational Credential Assessment necessary to apply under Express Entry?
Why is it necessary to take a language test for Express Entry even if I can speak native English or French?
What are the language tests one can take to apply under the Express Entry program?
How can a candidate get more points under Express Entry if they have 2 or more degrees or diplomas?