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Posted on December 19 2018

Y-Axis Tutor Shivani has been thanked by Srikari Malla

By  Editor
Updated April 26 2023

Good Afternoon ma'am,

First of all, I would like to thank you so much for your coaching classes. Your classes were very helpful due to which I could do my test well and score well. I have attached the picture of my scorecard below.

Listening:   8.0

Reading:    5.5

Writing:     7.0

Speaking:  7.5

Overall Score: 7.0

I actually scored less in reading because I felt it difficult while I was doing the test. So I am planning to give the test one more time mostly on the 1st of December. I haven't planned it yet I will inform you if I am taking it again.

Thanks a lot again ma'am,

Regards, Srikari Malla

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