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Posted on October 07 2019

5 ways to raise funds for yourself if you want to study abroad

By  Editor
Updated March 27 2024

Study abroad is a dream for many international students. Varied climate, culture, vibrant food and great opportunity for learning language come along with studying abroad.


Though studying abroad will cost you a little more, proper planning will make your stay, travel and other study expenses way easier.


Below are the different ways to manage your funds while you study abroad.



Crowdfunding options like ‘Go-fund-me’ is one best way of rising finances to study abroad. It is nothing but a way of using small amounts of money from a large number of people who might include family members, friends, relatives and other acquaintances. This is one way of getting money that can be used towards fulfilling your dream of studying abroad without hassle.


Crowdfunding websites are free to use. Just sign up, create your profile and appeal and start sharing it on social media platform as much as you can. Much of your funds will be sponsored by strangers who would want to know where their money is exactly going. Certain institutions too sponsor towards crowdfunding.


So, ‘lack of money’ cannot be a reason for stopping you from studying abroad.



Scholarship is another means of getting funds towards studying abroad. Getting a scholarship has its own constraints as it is not easy to get one. Moreover, there is a huge competition. So, try to find specific types of scholarships that are easy to get. These might include scholarships sponsored to financially weak students, students who are disabled, scholarship given based on sports, specifically undergraduate students and the like. This will increase your chances of getting a scholarship.


Scholarships are also sponsored for specific study courses like Medicine, Law, IT, Engineering, Robotics etc.


Perform an extensive and thorough research and you are sure to find one for yourself.


Students Grants

You must have heard of ‘students’ grants’. You can actually apply for this provided you are exceptionally good in your academics and you possess great convincing skills. Rightly deserving students all over the world receive these grants.


Grants are given to students who are really in need with a quest to study and excel. Exceptional students from struggling countries are also given grants.


Grants cover all the expenses of students from travel, stay, food, maintenance and tuition fee.


Student Loans

This is perhaps the most popular way of getting finances to fund your study abroad. Contrast to the above three options, you would be required to repay the money along with some interest. If you can plan your future and determined that you can repay, a student loan is one of the easiest way of getting the money required to meet all your expenses while studying abroad.


Lots of financial institutions, banks and government offer student loans which do not carry a heavy rate of interest. They are easy to repay. The only constraint is that you have to meet certain requisites to qualify for this. Sometimes, your age, family history and the course you want to pursue is also considered.


Find a Job

When the above options don’t work for you, you can always find a job for yourself which can get you extra money. There are a lot of jobs which you can work in free time. Jobs like data entry, tutoring, translation, transcription etc., allow you to work at your will. These jobs get you good amount of money too.


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