Why Choose Migrate

Migrate and build a new life abroad with your family

Settling in a new country can be a transformative experience, not only for yourself but also for your family and future generations. The decisions you make today could shape the trajectory of your entire family's future. With the right guidance and strategic decision-making, you have the opportunity to turn your aspirations into reality and start living the life you've always dreamed of, potentially within just a few months.

For over two decades, since 1999, Y-Axis has been at the forefront of facilitating the dreams of thousands of individuals like you who aspire to build new lives in foreign lands. Since our inception, we've had the privilege of witnessing countless success stories unfold as we've guided individuals through the intricacies of immigration and settlement processes. From navigating visa applications to providing invaluable advice on relocation and integration, our dedicated team is here to support and empower you every step of the way.

Why settle abroad

High paying jobs

High paying jobs

Quality of life

High paying jobs

Migrate with family

High paying jobs

Healthcare & Safety

High paying jobs

Retirement benefits

High paying jobs

Opportunities to travel

High paying jobs

Find your destination

Get migration support

Success stories

Find your destination

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Get migration counseling

The world offers thousands of opportunities. Understanding which one is right for you is a critical first step. Our migration counselors will help you understand your options and recommend the best route for you to migrate and settle abroad. You will get all the information you need about the processes, the documentation, the timelines and more to make your decision with confidence.

Choose your destination

The world's leading countries are looking for talented individuals like you. Well help you choose the right country that aligns with your hopes and dreams.





















UAE Golden Visa

UAE Golden Visa

Understand your eligibility

The path to achieving even the most ambitious dreams begins with analysis. The Y-Axis Eligibility Evaluation report is your guide to making an informed decision about moving abroad. Job prospects? Visa intricacies? Cost & time involved? The Eligibility Evaluation report is a thoroughly researched dossier that will answer all these questions and more.

Career Ready

21 pages of detailed information relevant to you

Detailed information on your migration prospects

Occupation Analysis with career prospects

In-depth information about the target country

Scorecard to rate your profile for the chosen country

A complete list of documentation requirements

Expert decision on whether you are eligible or not

Estimated cost and timeline for migration

Get migration Support



Migration is a complex legal process. Y-Axis offers un- matched expertise to help you arrange and prepare your documents and follow all procedures accurately.

  • Understand documentation requirements
  • Assistance with filling applications
  • Assistance with collecting documents
  • Creating application packages
  • Reviewing and revising your documents
  • Submitting your documents

Visa application

Each country follows different processes for visa submission.
Some require you to meet a points criteria before applying
while others are more straightforward. Y-Axis will help you at
each step of your visa application to ensure you have the
highest chance of success.
- Understanding visa requirements
- Preparing visa application
- Reviewing visa application
- Mock visa interviews
- Submitting your application

Visa application
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Post landing support

Moving to a new country without an existing support
system can be difficult. To help you ease into your new
environment, Y-Axis offers essential post-landing
services to help you settle in without hassle. We can
help you find apartments, get insurance, open a bank
account and more. Talk to us. We're here to help.

Success Stories

Ready to start your journey?

The journey to a new life begins with a conversation. Book an appointment with an immigration counselor and discover how close you are to creating a new life abroad.

Y axis snapshot


Successful applicants


Experienced counselors



