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Posted on December 19 2022

Australia's visa tribunal will be abolished in 2023

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023

Australia's visa tribunal will be abolished in 2023

Highlights: Australia to abolish its visa tribunal in 2023

  • The Australian government will abolish Administrative Appeals Tribunal
  • The AAT will be replaced by a new body which will add 75 more members
  • The AAT used to take decisions regarding migrant and refugee visas
  • The new body will start operating by the end of next year
  • Current matters with the tribunal will not be affected

*Check your eligibility to migrate to Australia through the Y-Axis Australia Immigration Points Calculator.

Administrative Appeals Tribunal to be abolished in 2023

The government of Australia has decided for the abolishment of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) that was operating since 1976. The AAT is responsible for reviewing federal decisions on different types of matters. Attorney General Mark Dreyfus announced that AAT will be replaced by a new body by the end of 2023.

Reasons behind abolishment of Administrative Appeals Tribunal

AAT was responsible for taking decisions from welfare payments to citizenship in Australia. It also dealt with the crucial appeals process related to decisions on refugee and migrant visas. The operations of the AAT started in 1976 but later its independence and decision-making quality deteriorated. AAT will be replaced by a new body by 2023 end but current matters will be unaffected.

About new body that will replace AAT

Mark Dreyfus stated that the government wants assurance that appointments will be based on merits. After the creation of the new body, current members of AAT will have to reapply for their positions.

The decision regarding AAT abolishment was taken after a long discussion. The government wants to add 75 more members to reduce the current backlog.

Willing to migrate to Australia? Talk to Y-Axis, the world’s no. 1 overseas immigration consultant.

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Also Read: Australia welcomed 171,000 immigrants in FY 2021-2022 Web Story: Australia to abolish visa Tribunal and form a new body in 2023


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