Posted on December 13 2014
India has been ranked as the second most ‘up and coming’ destination —the countries that are getting better as a place to live and work in — for expatriates after China, says an HSBC survey
1. With India likely to develop its industrial sector to catch up on infra development and the greater proportion of foreign direct investment entering the country would bring more expats, the report said.
2. According to the Expat Explorer survey, emerging Asian economies are an attractive destination for challenge-seeking and adventurous expats, with 44% of them saying they made the move for a new challenge.
3. Nearly 9,300 expats from around the world participated in the survey for 2014. Switzerland topped the overall rankings, while India stood 9th
4. Top expat jobs in India:
* Construction and engineering: 19%
* Telecom and IT: 21%
* Financial services: 10% 5.
India has the third largest proportion of expatriates sent by companies for overseas assignments, after Brazil and Turkey, the survey said 6.Origins of expats in India:
* 23% from United Kingdom
* 14% from United States
* 7% from Canada
* 7% from Japan
* 49% from other countries
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