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Posted on May 16 2020

Australia announces three-step plan to re-open the economy

By  Editor
Updated April 03 2023

Today, many countries across the world are succeeding in their efforts to control the Coronavirus pandemic and Australia is seeing success in its efforts. The effect of restrictions imposed by the government has resulted in the ‘flattening of the curve’ which means the number of COVID-19 positive cases has reduced.

This has encouraged the Australian government to bring out a three-step plan that includes not only easing restrictions but also the measures the government and community must take to move towards a Coronavirus safe environment. The steps are intended to help Australia reopen its economy by July this year.

The protocols of social distancing, good hygiene practices and using a government-approved app to stay safe will continue. Apart from this, businesses, individuals, communities must follow certain guidelines to keep everyone safe.

Here are more details of the three-step plan:

Step 1- This step will focus on the reopening of the economy and help Australians get back to work and social activities including some travel. Small gatherings of up to 10 people will be allowed. Retail shops and small cafes will reopen. Weddings or funerals with a gathering of 30 people can be conducted. Businesses if possible, should encourage employees to work from home.

Step 2- In the next step, the size of social gatherings will be increased. More businesses will reopen and services such as gyms and entertainment (cinema) will reopen. Larger size gatherings of up to 20 people will be allowed and more retail outlets can be opened. Zoos, stadiums, and galleries will open.

Step 3- In the third step, a move towards COVID safe ways of living and working with social gatherings of up to 100 people will be allowed but mass gatherings will not be allowed. Most businesses can have all their employees back in the workplace and interstate travel is likely to resume.

Australia Economy

While some states such as Victoria and New South Wales have already eased restrictions, the government has given its eight state and territory governments the freedom to take a call on when to move from one step to the next based on the success of the implementation.

The government on its part will be monitoring the progress of the reopen plan closely to ensure there are no violations. They will assess the impact of the changes and based on the outcome decide on moving to the next step. They could also consider rolling back the plan in case there are fresh outbreaks of the disease.

The government hopes that with the implementation of these steps, it will be possible to reopen the economy by July this year.


Australia Economy


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