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Posted on February 28 2023

Who needs ETIAS to travel Croatia in 2024?

By  Editor
Updated May 10 2023

Highlights of Croatia ETIAS - European Travel Information and Authorisation System  

  • ETIAS is a travel permission expressly granted to travel to European Union countries under the Schengen area.
  • The ETIAS will become functional in 2024 and is intended for short-stay purposes with a validity of 90-180 days.
  • You can have unlimited entrances in the EU for a maximum of 3 years with an ETIAS. 
  • Over 60+ Non-EU countries with no visa requirement to enter the EU must have an ETIAS.
  • Over 25+ countries with visa exemption require ETIAS to enter the EU countries.  

Who can enter Croatia without an ETIAS in 2024?

The ETIAS functions on the principle of one declaration or application per person without including family members in the application.

You will NOT require an ETIAS to enter Croatia if you -

  • Have citizenship to countries that require an ETIAS.
  • Have an authorized residence permit from authorities of countries that do not require an ETIAS.
  • Happen to be a citizen of The Republic of Ireland, Monaco, the Holy See, Andorra, or San Marino.
  • Are a citizen of Britain with a Withdrawal Agreement.
  • Have no citizenship and live in any of the EU countries.
  • Are a long-term national visa holder, local border traffic permit, or uniform visa holder.

List of countries that require and do not require ETIAS

Countries that require ETIAS Countries that does not require ETIAS
Austria Albania Micronesia
Belgium Antigua and Barbuda Moldava
Czech Republic Australia Montenegro
Denmark Argentina New Zealand
Estonia Bahamas Nicaragua
Finland Barbados North Macedonia
France Bosnia and Herzegovina Palau
Germany Brazil Panama
Greece Brunei Paraguay
Hungary Canada Peru
Iceland Chile Saint Kitts and Nevis
Italy Colombia Saint Lucia
Latvia Costa Rica Saint Vincent and Grenadines
Liechtenstein Dominica Samoa
Lithuania El Salvador Serbia
Luxembourg Georgia Seychelles
Malta Grenada Singapore
Netherlands Guatemala Solomon Islands
Norway Honduras South Korea
Poland Hong Kong Taiwan
Portugal Israel Timor Leste
Slovakia Japan Tonga
Slovenia Kiribati Trinidad and Tobago
Spain Macau Tuvalu
Sweden Malaysia Ukraine


Marshall Islands Uruguay
Mauritius United Arab Emirate
Mexico United Kingdom
Mauritius United States
Mexico Venezuela

Steps to apply for ETIAS

The processing time for the ETIAS is usually within a few minutes of fulfilling the application payment.

Step 1: Check your eligibility.

Step 2: Register for the online application.

Step 3: Fill out the application with the given requirements.

Step 4: Pay the application fees. 

Step 5: Wait for the status of approval.   

Planning to travel to Croatia? Contact Y-Axis, world’s No.1 overseas immigration company

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