Mallu Shirisha Reddy

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Posted on April 03 2023

60,000 professionals are invited to work in Germany to fill 2 million job vacancies

By  Editor
Updated April 12 2024

Highlights: 60,000 professionals were invited to work in Germany

  • The German government brings a new migration policy to help the country’s economic success.
  • In 2022, the job vacancies in Germany were close to 2 million.
  • As per the new draft law, 60,000 people will be invited from outside EU countries every year.
  • The draft law will offer three pathways for foreign workers to enter Germany.
  • The German cabinet has also approved an education law entitling your people to paid off-the-job training.

*Want to work in Germany? Check your eligibility in the Germany Skilled Immigration Points Calculator.

Labor Shortage in Germany

Germany revealed its draft reforms on immigration, skills training, and promoting immigration from outside the EU. This was done by Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government to plug labor shortages in the country. The German Labour Ministry said that, the number of job vacancies in Germany was close to 2 million in 2022.

*Searching for jobs in Germany? Avail Y-Axis job search services to find the right one.

New migration policy of Germany

The German government has brought a new migration policy to help the country's economic success. As per the new draft law, 60,000 people will be invited from outside EU countries every year to work in Germany.

Pathways offered by the new draft law

The draft law will offer the following three pathways to enter the country its foreign workers:

  • The foreign worker in the first pathway will require an employment contract and a German-recognized professional or university degree.
  • In the second pathway, the worker must have a degree or vocational training and at least two years of experience in any relevant sector.
  • The third pathway will offer the worker a new opportunity card if they don’t have a job offer but is eligible to find work in the country. The opportunity card will be provided based on a point system considering the worker’s connection to Germany, professional experience, age, language skills, and qualifications.

Education Law

The German cabinet has also approved an education law entitling young people to paid off-the-job training. Up to 67% of the net salary will be paid by the Federal Labour Agency of Germany for the training duration.

Need step-by-step guidance to apply to migrate to Germany? Talk to Y-Axis, world’s No.1 Overseas Immigration Consultant.


Germany to ease work permit rules for Indian IT Professionals – Chancellor Olaf Scholz

Germany makes 5 changes in work permit rules to fill 2 million vacancies

Also Read:  A Record-Breaking 1.1 Million Immigrants Invited by Germany in 2022
Web Story:  60,000 professionals are invited to work in Germany to fill 2 million job vacancies


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