Having a settlement in life with a lucrative job, higher standard of living, and greater work challenges entices every individual to settle abroad. After achieving this, we start missing our parents and grandparents. Enjoying the settled life along with parents gives us completeness in life.
Considering this, IRCC has implemented many programs like Canada Parent Migration and the recent one Super Visa Application. It announced to issue Parents and Grandparents Program 2021 invitations.
A total of 30,000 Canadian citizens and permanent residents are eligible to invite and sponsor their parents and grandparents. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will start issuing these invitations in the coming weeks from today and October 7.
Invited sponsors will have 60 days to submit all the details to IRCC related sponsorship applications.
This will allow sponsored parents and grandparents to become Canadian Permanent Residents and enjoy all the benefits, including free health care.
As the PGP program has the highest demand, and is difficult to receive the PGP invitation. As per the records, IRCC has nearly 100,000 sponsors visit to its website to submit the sponsor forms within minutes of launching the forms.
IRCC permits sponsors to submit interest before submitting the forms on its website between October and November 2020. To minimize all these, the IRCC held a lottery in January 2021 to invite 10,000 sponsors. The same pool has taken a draw of 2020 candidates to issue the 30,000 invitations in this round.
Eligibility to receive a PGP 2021 invitation
To apply for the PGP 2021, you need to meet the below eligibility criteria:
Should be 18 years old
Canadian citizen
Permanent resident
Status First Nations
You also need to meet the Minimum Necessary Income (MNI) and meet the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) notices of assessment for 2020, 2019, and 2018 tax years.
After meeting the criteria and wishing to proceed with the process, you need to have 60 days to submit your completed sponsorship application, including fees, to IRCC.
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