Giving a try for immigration to Canada was never an easy decision to make. Mainly because of the detailed documentation that has to be done precisely and submitted in a timely manner. As we started with this process, we found ourselves getting worked up in trying to compile all the documents required. Finally, based upon a friends reference, we signed up with Y-Axis. Since then, Ramya Sree is the name that has always managed to reassure our otherwise rippled mind. Yes! Thats exactly how it has been! Ramya has been our process consultant from Y-Axis Hyderabad and she has guided us extremely well through the entire immigration procedure so far. She has explained all the details to us in a friendly manner, has shown high levels of patience to clear all our doubts and has pressed us beyond our virtual limits to make sure we meet the deadlines well before time!
Hearty thanks to Ramya our immigration process has been hassle free and smooth uptill now.
A humble thanks to Mr. Bala for efficiently guiding us to complete the credentialing process with W.E.S.
We would also like to thank Maria D. From Y-Axis Mumbai branch, for her continued positive support.
To wind up, we hereby extend a huge thanks to Y-Axis. We are truly impressed by the team work you guys portray. We say this because at an instance or two, when we could not reach Ramya due to certain reasons, Y-Axis made sure that an equally helpful person on the other end of the line cleares our doubts satisfactorily.
Thank you! :)