Posted on July 13 2021
Although the number of foreign conflicts has declined in recent decades, war, terrorism, and widespread local conflicts continue to shake the world (especially in poverty affected regions).
Without addressing instability and conflict, we will never be able to achieve sustainable development and poverty eradication.
Nonetheless, instability and violence are global issues that impact the well-being of many people around the world, not just those involved in conflict.
SDG 16 aims to place people's needs at the forefront of the agenda for inclusion and peace. All, not just those living in conflict-affected areas, must be able to live peaceful lives free of insecurity and abuse.
This goal aims to, ‘ Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.’
Canada is determined to achieve this goal by taking measures to ensure sustainable peace in the world.
Apart from this the government can:
In order to achieve this goal, the Canadian government has a list of objectives it seeks to achieve by 2030, this includes:
Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
End abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children
Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all
By 2030, significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime
Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
SDG 16 provides an excellent opportunity to ensure multilateral action that is people-centered and development-oriented in order to deter potential violent conflict.
Although achieving this aim can seem difficult, it is essential. All of the other sustainable development goals can only be achieved if communities are inclusive and peaceful.
Canada National strategy
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