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Posted on January 13 2016

Hundreds of foreign students deported from Australia for visa fraud

By  Editor
Updated March 26 2024

Hundreds of international students were deported last year for breaching the conditions of their student visas, including by supplying bogus documents or risking the safety of others.


Immigration officials have booted 298 foreign students out of the country, and requested thousands more leave the country voluntarily.


Federal government figures supplied to the Senate show 10,949 foreign students have had their visas cancelled in the last year for a wide variety of breaches.


More than 520 foreigners who claimed to be studying at universities or vocational colleges were exposed for not even being genuine students.

Wrongful act ... almost 300 foreigners with student visas were deported by Immigration officials. Picture: Thinkstock

Nine students had their visas cancelled for supplying bogus documentation in support of their applications to study here, and almost 20 were found have provided false information to authorities.


Another 20 students had their visas revoked for more serious offences including posing a risk to the health or safety of the community.


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